Today will be the 2nd day of our posting at Tutong Hospital.. So far, there hasn't been alot of cases. But yesterday we all had the chance to go out for ambulance call. Oh yeah, yang kana posted ke Tutong is me (Sofy), Nizam, Eddy and Halinah. The setting of the department is way different from RIPAS and SSB Hospitals.. They have alot of doors! I was lost on the first day, banar tah! Haha tapi siuk jua.. tambus menambus. They have resus room, and it contains 2 beds. Plastering room connected to the resus room.. And their doors macam arah OT, main betakan saja. Eddy suka tu! They have suture room as well, also 2 beds. They have dayward too but jarang bepakai since its from the nursing counter and inda cukup staff kan cover jua. So they have another dayward right infront of the nurses counter. Nebulizer room is also there but they planned to change it. Oh yes, according to them, they have Ortho clinic in the department twice a month but which day I don't know. They have this room and its tainted. We call it the Black Room and by the color, you know that room is for what.. Untuk menyimpan mayat! Haha. Si Nizam takut tu. Hehe. Bah, enough talking.. As usual, there will always be pictures, so here they are!
A weird-looking cervical collar!
niccceee picsss !!! keep it up
Portable nebulizer units are small and handy, ideal for the individual who is always on the go, preferring to use a nebulizer than an inhaler. Battery operated, they can be used conveniently anywhere, anytime.
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